Monday, November 25, 2019

University strike from UK

Universities across the UK are facing widespread disruption after tens of thousands of lecturers and other staff walked out on strike in protest over pay cuts, increased pension costs and deteriorating conditions.
Image result for uk university strike data

Union leaders reported a strong show of support on Monday for the industrial action, which will last eight days and could extend into the new year with a second wave of strikes if staff demands are not met.
Pickets had been set up at 60 universities that are taking part in the action, and the University and College Union (UCU) said talks were under way with other institutions about being balloted again to join further action in the new year.
More than 40,000 lecturers, technicians, librarians and other academic and support staff were taking part in the action, but the UCU said it had been processing requests from 3,500 more workers seeking to join the union since the strikes were announced three weeks ago.
University employers said they were doing everything they could to minimise the disruption to the million-plus students affected by strike action and urged the union to focus on continuing talks to find a resolution.
File:Non-staff costs as a proportion of universities' total expenditure UK average 2006-15, according to Higher Education Statistics Agency.svg

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