Saturday, November 16, 2019

Social Media in Influencer Marketing

In this modern age as technology begins to develop, social media is becoming more and more of a dominant platform in marketing. In fact, there is even a term used to describe a type of social media marketing- influencer marketing. To state its definition plainly, influencer marketing is a form of collaboration in which a business collaborates with an influential person to promote a product, a service, or a campaign.

Originally, influencer marketing was solely in the form of celebrity endorsements. Companies used celebrities and famous individuals in their advertisements to promote a product as a marketing technique. However, this has evolved into social media marketing in this day and age, where many businesses find that it is the most efficient technique to get the most information about their products out there. Popular products that are advertised through social media include clothes, accessories, food, and technology.

One of the biggest and most influential social media platforms is Instagram. Statistics show that about 89% of marketers identify it as one of the most important platforms for influencer marketing. This is illustrated plainly through the way many users are sponsored by companies. On certain posts, you might see "#ad" or "#sponsored" in the captions. This is because companies know that if they sponsor these users, their products are easily promoted. In fact, this is clearly shown by the way many popular users on Instagram have made a business out of their accounts. They are able to earn revenue by advertising for companies and in turn getting sponsored by them. They have also become somewhat of social media celebrities themselves, and this is why companies choose them to advertise their products and also the main reason why social media marketing is a great technique for businesses.

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  1. Although Instagram influencers can make a lot of money, the security of their job is very low. They aren't gaurenteed any particular salary like a regular job, so if they fall out of popularity, they won't be able to make any money. Also, previously this year, Instagram was testing out hiding like counts on posts, which is something that would not be good for these Instagram posters.


  2. That is very true, I find myself pulled to purchase certain items of clothing or product just because an Instagrammer I follow advertised it. What is great about Influencer Marketing is that once you are popular on one social media platform, you can branch out to other platforms such as YouTube and Twitter to make more money there. This brings them to fame and turn them into celebrities- adding value to their name as the number of fans and followers increases day by day. The next step for them is to make merchandise such as T-shirts, books and even TV shows like Colleen Ballinger (otherwise known as Miranda Sings) had done. Like Ethan had mention earlier though, the jobs for these celebrities are not that secured and once they are caught in a scandal, it can affect their future business endeavors quite a lot.


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