Friday, November 22, 2019

ESports Industry

By July 2019, more than 100,000 people had registered themselves as professional gamers under this. ESports tournaments have awarded nearly US$500 million in cash prizes since 1998, according to the prize-tracking website E-Sports Earnings. The richest game is Dota 2, which has handed out $169.7 million in prize money to date. The whole industry generated $655 million in revenue last year and is expected to be worth $3 billion by 2022.
Image result for esports player low salary in china data

Even though, it seems like those pro players will earn a lot, however, this isn't the truth.  Most of the pro players are earning about 50,000 dollars a year in the US. And less 10,000 dollars a year in some Asia countries such as China and Keara. This amount of money usually couldn't  This industry is really competitive, they have the lowest sports career age compare to other sports such as basketball, baseball, etc. Because of this low sports career age, many of the ESports players signed some unfair contrast since they have no time to waste. The low wages are always caused by the high wages from those top players who took most of the money in some teams.
Image result for esport age comparison

1 comment:

  1. It seems that in the gaming industry, gamers have two paths they can take in order to earn money. On one side, there is entering eSports tournaments, where one's earnings are dependent on their performance in tournaments. Athletes in eSports seem to be earning a steady income of $50,000. The other route gamers can take is going into streaming, and producing content for either Youtube or Twitch. The top gaming YouTubers, such as Tyler "Ninja" Blevins earn in the millions. However, going into streaming is much riskier, and is much harder for gamers to be successful in.


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