Sunday, November 24, 2019

Four Ways The Business of Music Videos Will Transform In 2019

Image result for music video

In class, we learned about marketing, the process of advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses. From cool hunting to today's social network, marketers are focusing on building the emotional connection between consumers and products.

Music Industry is a perfect example of how marketers can use the strategy of emotional connection with consumers to sell their products. Different to ten years ago that people consume music mainly from MTV(Music tv channel), consumers today can hear music everywhere and have the easiest access to internet.

As a result, marketers come up with new strategies to help their artists sell music. Here are the four ways that music managers use the most popular in 2019 to sell artists' music.
Image result for livestream video
1.Livestream music
A-list artists understand that it's important to actively interact with their fans through livestream. For instance, Kanye West used a live-streaming app named WAV to livestream his upcoming new album Ye, making WAV to be the top hit of Music Charts in the iOS App Store. Audience like to watch livestream videos because it makes them feel the music experience more real and more direct connection to their favorite singers.

Key terms to consider in Livestream Music
[Why LiveStream Music is attractive]
"Video-native" products, where products mainly produced with a video, can help consumers to engage with the "Video-sharing" activity, shortening the distance between them and products.

2. Gain financial support from fans
Artists need support from their fans. In tech age today, multiple platforms such as Patreon and TenCent were established to help artists share music with more audience and allow fans to donate money to continue supporting their favorites. For instance, TenCent singers from China can earn "as much as 50,000 yuan per month from tips alone" (Jiang).

3.Videos are getting shorter and longer
You have to understand that people today are not going to wait watch the long-time music video. They like to click the video and get the message from a very short amount of time. As a result, marketers come up with strategies to post multiple short videos in social media, which lasting only 1 minute per video. However, the total time of the videos are longer than the videos from five years ago. The process of making those videos lasting longer time as well. In the end, the music videos become very successful and attractive to audience.

4.Personalization and Localization
Localization: Music videos are becoming more globalized and localized for audience from different countries. Beside the original language in music videos, marketers also make sure artists to produce videos with several other language, focusing on the global markets and local markets.

Personalization: Now, consumers can customize the cover of art of all shows and movies on its homepage. In future, they can even personalize their choice of own soundtrack from favorite shows or movies.



  1. Growing up in an already technologically advanced society, I feel as if we take these conveniences for granted. From reading your article, it is the process and marketing strategies of the music industry are clearly articulated. Because music is for the ears of the audience, it's essential to their market model that their music can reach a wide range of people.

  2. I think music videos have somewhat evolved from an art piece that accompanies a song to a much more commercialized creation. Product placement is very common in music videos, as artists are paid to show off a company or branded item and influence their viewers. Music videos are usually posted to YouTube and monetized with ads. Of course, artists need to make money and make a profit considering music videos can be expensive to make. However, it seems like many music videos today are just looking to make money instead of enhance the music. It's interesting that you mention services like Patreon because I haven't really heard of mainstream artists using it, I think of it as more of for very small or amateur artists who seek financial help from fans. Music videos are overall an excellent way for an artist to reach a large audience and make a profit.


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