Sunday, November 17, 2019

Teachers matter- a win in Chicago Teachers Union ratifiying new contract

Chicago Teachers Union staff members count votes on the tentative contract agreement at CTU Center on Nov. 12, 2019.

In class, we discussed how labor unions used several methods such as demanded enhancement, exclusive union model, inclusive union model to act on behalf of labor rights, such as wage increases.  In this example, we are focusing on how Chicago teachers applied methods we talked in class to win the new contract for their districts.

Strikes is a common way when it comes to fight for labor union's rights. It usually happens when a great population of employees chose not to show up in work for requesting some types of rights and improvements in financial situation. As a result of Chicago teachers' strike, many improvements for the districts were able to process.

"That agreement resulted in an estimated 300,000 schoolchildren and 25,000 union members returning to the classroom the following day. But the union still had to ratify the contract, by a simple-majority vote of rank-and-file members, before the strike was formally called off. The vote took place Thursday and Friday at CPS schools and union headquarters."

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