Monday, November 25, 2019

Starships... are meant to fly?

Starships, based in San Francisco, is a robotic food delivery company that has becoming popular in college campuses as of recent. With their busy schedules, students often resort to delivery food for their meals but as mentioned before in my "Instant Food" blog, the usage of food delivery apps are not so optimal.

Starships has a better appeal to the market as they "operate from early morning till late at night, rain or shine, traveling at a maximum speed of 4 miles per hour, a fast walking pace designed not to scare people on the streets". They are safe to be around and more efficient! There is no need to worry about these robots running into places and getting lost for they use "sensors, cameras and radar to navigate the streets; artificial intelligence and premapped locations help the bots to know where they are".

This has been tested and been successful thus far in various of college campuses such as George Mason University. These robots are so successful that they are even changing the delivering groceries in England; not as much as the impact they have on universities but quite significant none the less.

With these demands of food delivery meeting up in college campuses, Starships continue to flourish and maybe someday, dominate not only the food delivery industry but other places where delivery is needed as well.

Source: Starship Technologies Raises $40 Million To Expand Its Food-Delivery Robots On College Campuses

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool considering the efficiency. Instead of using human time, labor, and cars, the model for this robot seems more practical. The amount of time wasted by food delivery apps and services simply contacting someone to drive a certain distance to pick up and deliver food by car at multiple locations is seemingly impractical. Although these bots are slow movers, they seem like a more logical solution to instant food.


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