Sunday, October 6, 2019

What Are Self-sufficient Communities?

Creating self-sufficient communities seems like a really exciting concept that could change the economics of our time. Imagine living in new neighborhoods that will generate their own power through solar photovoltaic panels, biomass and biogas from material, and geothermal sources; the list goes on and on. These communities will grow their own food largely from aquaponic farms - a combination of plants and fish cultivation in water. They are based on the premise that if we work within our own communities, we will also spend less time commuting and traveling to work. This would also move us away from processed foods and bring a more "farm-to-table" way of living. 

Although this idea might seem initially novel and exciting, as a result, many of the industries of our current economy might fall away. For example, the coal and oil industry will have to adapt to this or be willing to face extinction.

Thus, these self-sufficient communities require immense dedication in order to succeed.
Currently, we have a lot of "green" start-ups that have started growing in popularity due to the triple desire for social responsibility, economic value, and environmental impact. Some of these businesses can be used together to make an entire self-sufficient community. As we are all becoming increasingly conscious of how our lifestyle is harming the planet, more and more are advocating to reverse this damaging path. The idea of a self-sufficient community might just be accepted.

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