Saturday, October 5, 2019

Super Bowl Advertising

The Super Bowl gives companies an amazing marketing opportunity to promote their product to tens of millions of viewers all over the US. The superbowl was watched on TV by over 98 million people in 2019. Along with watching the game many people watch the superbowl for its iconic ads.  The ads are no more than 1 minute. To buy the 1 minute of  TV time a company must spend 5 million dollars.

Super Bowl ads have become iconic. Many people watch the game just for the ads. When making their ads for the Super Bowl companies such as Doritos have to strategize about how they want to present their ad. Who is there main audience? Is it young 20 somethings and their friends, or big families with lots of kids. Once they decide on who their target audience is they can market to that audience's likes and dislikes. They also have to decide what sort of connection they want people to feel to the product. Do they want people drinking coke to feel happy and ready to dance or patriotic? Part of this also depends on the target audience.

In the 2019 Super Bowl Dorito's had an ad for their flaming hot nacho flavored Doritos. The video starts out with Chance the Rapper sitting eating a bag of Doritos. He begins to picture himself in a pink old style car zooming down an empty road. In the background "I Want I That Way" by the Backstreet Boys is playing. Other yellow cars as well as dancers in pink jumpsuites enter the scence. Chance The Rapper begins to rap about the flaming hot nacho Doritos. The Back Street Boy's song comes back on and Chance the Rapper and backup dancers end up in an empy garage dancing. The ad ends with Chance the Rapper saying "The original now its hot" with an image of the flaming hot nacho doritos on the screen.

This ad is super clever because it captivates a large audience. They start with Chance The Raper, a rapper that is very popular among teens and young adults. Right from the start they draw in their 12-25 year old audience with a person whom this age groups loves eating a food that doritos want them to love. Then you have the Back Street Boy's song in the background. The song is super catchy and also draws in the older and as well as the younger audience. The images of the old fancy car driving fast and Chance the Rapper and the Dancers singing and dancing is very captivating and makes you associate driving fast, which is fun, and having a good time with the Doritos. Chance also then begins to rap about the doritos which is catchy and funny. The lyrics of the Back Street Boy's song "I want it that way" come back at the end. The combination of the images of driving fast, colors, and dancing coupled with these lyrics is meant to make the audience "want it that way". Doritos wants people to associate their product with having a lifestyle that people dream of. The video ends with Chance the Rapper saying "the original now its hot." This phrase is not only short and catchy but reminds people of the original dorito that they love but that it now has a new kick. As a whole this ad is very well created because it assocaites good things with the product and is targeted at a wide age range when it comes to audience.

Lots of companies like Doritos create captivating ads like these just for the Super Bowl which is part of why people like me enjoy watching them so much.


  1. From a viewer's perspective, we tend to take commercials for granted. In a commercial that lasts 1-2 minutes, there is a lot of pressure on companies to be able to captivate its audience so a ton of thought is put into it. However, as a viewer, advertisements don't impact us as much and are usually skipped through. After reading your post, it's made me appreciate the thought that companies experience in order to sell their product.

  2. I think this is really interesting. We often do not think about how much goes into making a commercial. Additionally I wonder about the cost of the commercial vs how much product will be sold as a result of the commercial. If you think about it Doritos is not only buying the very expensive super bowl time slot they are also paying for the rights to "I want it that way" and for Chance the Rappers cameo. This adds up to a ton of money and at least for me the add did not cause me to buy Doritos. So is it still effective?

  3. This is really interesting because it shows the importance of understanding one's audience in effective advertising. There is so much that goes on behind the scenes, even for a 1 minute ad video. Also, given the cost of securing a 1 minute slot in the super bowl (5 million dollars), companies must predict whether this amount is worth spending. If they spend 5 million dollars, but the ad doesn't draw enough people to consume their product, they will lose a lot of money.


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