Saturday, October 19, 2019

Social Media Advertising

Before the age of social media took place, advertising strategies were focused on finding what was the trend at the time and how they could use it to sell their product. For example, if a company’s consumers were primarily teenagers, they would set up focus groups in which they would ask the teenagers what is trending and in at the moment. They would use this information to find ways they could make their product more appealing to teenagers. Another strategy is for companies to hire cool hunters whose job is to find people that are considered “cool” in society and would become the new up and coming trendsetters. These cool hunters are important to society since companies can target these new trendsetters and market their product to the latest trend. 
Today, with social media being present in almost everyone’s lives, companies look to market on social media to expand their consumer numbers. With each social media platform, such as Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook having millions of followers, it has become a lot easier to market to consumers with specific hashtags and the right timing. Scrolling through their social media feed, consumers can view products that are more appealing to them since these social media platforms track what they see. By doing this, there is a higher chance of the consumer to become loyal to the product since they find them more appealing.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you transitioned from how consumers were being targeted and marketed towards into how they are today. Social media has a major impact on marketing today. Personally, I don't think traditional advertisements would have wanted me to buy a product. I don't feel as connected to commercials on TV as I block them out, and the same with website advertises. However, with ads today being in your feed, or when you're skipping a story on Snapchat, it makes it hard to avoid this, so I often read these ads. With the use of cookies and tracking user actions, it also finds products, similar to cool hunting of the past, that appeals to me and makes these ads more personalized and make me more likely to buy a product.


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