Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Reason Behind the Budweiser's Clydesdales

Companies use all types of advertising to make their product more appealing; this ranges from showcasing them in movies to appealing to the audience's childhood and emotions. All these tactics are to make the audience undoubtedly loyal consumers creating security in the constant demand from these loyal consumers. This is why companies are willing to spend millions on commercials since it can bring in new customers and communicate with their consumers about new offers, products, or services. This is why Budweiser was willing to spend upwards of $25 million at the 2019 Super Bowl commercial to reach new and existing audiences.
So what does Budweiser spend these millions of dollars on advertising? First, it's the 60, 45, or 30 seconds of pure advertising that reaches millions of households. But, more important is the content of these advertisements. Budweiser has added symbolism and timelessness in its iconic commercials by using Clydesdale horses to showcase the spirit of the Budweiser beer. Historically, Clydesdale horses were used towards the end of Prohibition in 1933 to pull beer wagons, and in 1989, they were used to pull the first case of beer to deliver to the President at the White House; thus a symbol was created. Budweiser uses their Clydesdale horses as a symbolism of tradition of American's drinking culture and a statement that they were there from the beginning. 
While advertising has changed from the early 1900s, Budweiser still uses these iconic horses to add a sense of timelessness to their product and create a sense of loyalty to the American culture. This is still an effective marketing strategy since it shows how long the product has been thriving in America, therefore, making it seem like their product, beer, is rooted in American culture. This creates a sense of loyalty and calls for Americans to buy this beer since it is advertised as part of not only America's drinking culture but the culture in general.

1 comment:

  1. To me, it's all about branding. Branding means to promote a product by means of association.

    Budweiser is very smart to use the Clydesdale horses to associate with their beer. When customers see the horses on commercials, they experience warm feelings towards these animals, and then these feelings are transferred to the beer.

    Budweiser spent $25 million on commercials during the Super Bowl. It's a lot of money, but it's money that's well-spent.


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