Sunday, January 5, 2020

How Trump's Impeachment Would Affect the Economy

Trump has claimed time and time again that if the impeachment proceedings were to go through, the economy would fail and the stock market would crash. Statistics show quite the opposite to be true. Overall, investors do not seem to be worried about the proceedings, as the market is reaching all-time highs. It is likely that the "predictability of partisan politics has added some stability to a potentially volatile development."

Image result for stock marketHistorically, changes in the market due to the impeachment of a president have varied case by case. During the impeachment process for Clinton, the stock market fell by 20% but later gained 41.6% after his impeachment. For Nixon, it was quite a different story. During the Watergate investigation, the stock lost over half its value, there were gas shortages, and inflated prices culminating in a recession that outlasted the Nixon administration.

Many times the changes in the economy depend on external factors and impeachment acts as a catalyst. During Nixon's presidency, the economy was already struggling while the surge in stock during Clinton's coincided with the dot com boom. Right now our economy is at an all-time high and there has not been a recession in the last decade. The actions of invested are probably influenced more by the on-goings in the market than the proceedings in Washington.

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